

发布日期:2022-04-08 10:13:16



1、Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.


2、Pain is only aware of their own has not changed only you know.


3、I am about to lose my mind,You have been gone for so long.


4、Destroy the torture you.


5、Smile like you have never been hurt.


6、Don′t cry because it is over, smille because it happened.


7、And forever has no end.


8、Every boring hour in life is unique.


9、Crowded I always not see you.


10、North of the city to the north is not to miss.


11、Time is we do not come loose.


12、You must know, in my world, you are the king.


13、I just want to cherish now.


14、You are the air, is my life.


15、A riot of colours to wait.


16、Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.


17、No matter how far we will be very good.


18、Wish one day, you will suddenly told me that you still love me.


19、With malice towards none,with charity for all!


20、Memory abstruse eyes.



1 、 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁

2 、 My moon and my light. 我的月亮我的光

3 、 I would rather a person.我宁愿一个人

4 、 you are my single baby. 你是我的专属宝贝。

5 、 Her tears melted his heart. 她的眼泪使他心软了。

6 、 You are very important to me. 你对我来说,很重要。

7 、 constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石。

8 、 I like you, but I dare not say 我喜欢你,但我不敢说

9 、 Often hit has never been hit 。(经常被打击,从未被打到)

10 、 In the name of friends love you. 以朋友的名义去爱你。

11 、 You know you are my best love@你可知道你是我的最爱@

12 、 You are unique and one of a kind. 你是唯一的,无可取代。

13 、 Is it possible you still love me?———有没有能够,你还爱我?

14 、 I do not want much, have you enough.我要的不多,有你就够了。

15 、 Strange place has a familiar street 陌生的地方有一个熟悉的街道

16 、 But he has to go. But I love you so.但是他非要走但是我还爱不够

17 、 I will follow you to the end of time. 我会随你到时间的尽头。

18 、 It’s all about you. It’s always been. 全部都是关于你。一直是。

19 、 No road is long with good company. 有好的旅伴,再远的旅程都不会嫌长。

20 、 just one last dance , before we say goodbey最后一曲,再说再见

21 、 This kind of weather is very depressingx. 这样的天气真令人压抑。

22 、 Hold my hand, but do not give me sympathy.握住我手但别给我同情。

23 、 The heart is mine.But it is full of you.心是我的,可里面装的全是你。

24 、 Expectation is the root of all heartache. 期待,是所有心痛的根源。

25 、 How many loved your moments of glad grace. 多少人爱过你青春的片影

26 、 I have a heart to accompany you to the old -我有颗陪伴你到老的心。

27 、 Pack out really is worse than promiscuous, 装出来的真心比滥情更可怕

28 、 Sometimes,I just need someone to talk to.有时候,我只是需要一个可以说话的人。

29 、 The very essence of romance is uncertainty.浪漫的精髓就在于它充满种种可能。

30 、 Life is boring,and the heart is also lonely.生活是无聊的,并且心也是孤独的。


1、You used to be my Angel. 你曾经是我的天使。

2、Everyone has secrets. 每个人都有秘密。

3、I love it when I hear you laugh. 我喜欢听你笑。

4、I could be everything you need. 我可以变成你需要的任何东西。

5、She keeps her youth well. 她善于保养她的青春。

6、Don’t let life take your smile. 别让生活把你的笑容没收了。

7、Don’t want to compromise your dream! 不要向你的梦想妥协!

8、Nobody could ever replace you. 从来就没有人能代替得了你。

9、Be the one that you wanna be. 做那个你一直都想成为的人。

10、Your are the best part in my life. 你是我生命中最美好的部分。

11、I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure. 我在找和我一同分享冒险之旅的人。

12、I hope I love people who love me. 我希望我爱的人也爱我。

13、Youre not here with me. 你不在我的身边。

14、Live well, love lots, and laugh often. 善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。

15、She rose with thorns. 她是带刺的玫瑰。

16、And I fall in love with you every time. 我每一次爱上你。

17、The years of slavery forget young dream. 做了岁月奴,忘了年少梦。

18、Faith tells me to never let you go. 信念告诉我不能让你走。

19、Destiny is sometimes cruel. 命运有时是残酷的。

20、Let it be. 随它去。

21、A fault confessed is half redressed. 浪子回头金不换。

22、Caution is much more powerful than bold. 谨慎比大胆要有力量得多。

23、I hope you are my one and only. 我希望你是我的唯一。

24、It is you who I love most. 最爱你的人是我。

25、You are the softest but deadly vital. 你是我最柔弱却致命的要害。

26、I succeeded because I willed it, I never hesitated. 我成功是因为有决心,从不犹豫。

27、Nothing is as sweet as you. 没什么能甜蜜如你。

28、Because of fear of loss, so inclusive. 因为害怕失去,所以包容。

29、I do not know go where, but I have been on the road.

30、Don’t let time steal your rising corners of the mouth. 别让时光偷走你上扬的嘴角。

31、May our friendship last forever. 愿我们的友谊天长地久。

32、Used to be mine, Now is the others. 以前是我的,现在是别人的。

33、You are my single baby. 你是我的专属宝贝。

34、I became a captive to her beauty. 我因她的美色而变成了俘虏。

35、You are my most beautiful fireworks. 你是我最美的烟火。

36、All is only you completely. 所有全部只是你。

37、Goodbye! Bon voyage! 再见!一路顺风!

38、You are the apple of my eye. 你是我眼里最珍贵的人。

39、Bravery never goes out of fashion. 勇敢永不过时。

40、A day without laughter is a day wasted. 有大笑的一天,等于浪费了一天。

41、I will give you all my love. 我将给你全部的爱。

42、I had dream that you love me. 我做了个梦,梦见你爱我。

43、The truth too much too little joke. 真话太少笑话太多。

44、I hope to hell you are right. 我真心希望你是对的。

45、You are our love! 你是我们的宝贝!

46、A heart that loves is always young. 有爱的心永远年轻。

47、Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it with use.

48、You are my every thing. 我打动你了吗。

49、I hope I have you in my life. 我希望你在我的生命里。

50、Some dreams never sleep. 有一些梦,从不曾眠。


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