

发布日期:2022-04-09 01:32:24

1、我怕爱的太早,不能和你终老。 I'm afraid of love too early, can't die with you.

2、分开后,我的心在颤动。 Separated after, my heart in trembling.

3、童话故事已结束,剩下旳却只有悲伤 Fairy tale has ended, and the rest is only sadness

4、旧时光,把我的天真没收。 The old time, my naive confiscated.

5、很多人,一旦错过了,就是陌路。 A lot of people, once missed, it is not.

6、你想走,我怎么好意思挽留。 Do you want to go, I how not bashful to retain.

7、以后决不再想起你。那会痛。 Never think of you again.

8、用谎言去测试谎言,得到的只是谎言。 Use a lie to test a, is just a lie.

9、再也回不去的时光,永远抹不掉的记忆。 Not in time, wipe out the memory forever.

10、为别人而改变,就是欺骗自己。 To change for others, is to deceive oneself.


11、太容易得到的东西、我们都不知道珍惜。 Too easy to get, we all don't know to cherish.

12、爱情是个精心设计的谎言 Love is a carefully designed lie

13、爱情,原来是含笑饮毒酒。 Love, it is smiling drink wine.

14、对于无奈的你,我只能选择离开。 I am for you, but can only choose to leave.

15、其实我也很介意,只是笑着说没关系。 Actually I also very mind, just smiled and said it doesn't matter.

16、敷衍我这么累,那我放过你。 Elaborate me so tired, I miss you.

17、余生好长,你好难忘。 You are unforgettable for the rest of your life.

18、感情随风,你我随意。 You at my feelings in the wind.

19、不要为我哭泣,我已经死了 Don't cry for me, I was already dead

20、有些伤,是永远不会愈合了。 Some injury, is never healed.


21、最后,你是你,我是我,回到终点。 In the end, you were you, I am I, back to the end.

22、演绎得再完美,还是在悲伤中死去。 Deduce more perfect, or die in sorrow.

23、其实,悲伤一直与我共存。 In fact, sad always coexist with me.

24、每一个人都是一座孤岛。 Every man is an island.

25、有一天,我们还是会成为陌生人。 One day, we will become strangers.

26、没有我的允许,你不可以离开我。 Without my permission, you can't leave me.

27、擦肩而过,我们谁也没回过头。 Miss, we who also do not look back.

28、忘记你我做不到,不管天涯海角。 Forget you I can't do that, no matter the ends of the earth.

29、因为爱你,所以害怕失去你。 Because love you, so afraid to lose you.

30、谢谢你的绝情,让我学会了死心。 Thank you for your rude, let I learned to be dead.

31、失去后才发现,原来我们不是一个世界的人 After losing just found that originally we are not a man of the world








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