

发布日期:2022-04-08 13:35:02



1. 状态是干出来的,而不是等出来的。

2. State is done, not waiting.

3. 没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山。

4. There is no longer road than feet, no higher mountain than people.

5. 陪在身边才算拥有,爱到习惯才算长久。

6. Only when you are around, can you have it. Only when you are in love, can
you be long-term.

7. 只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。

8. As long as you have confidence, you will never be defeated.

9. 成功等于目标,其他都是这句话的注解。

10. Success is equal to goal, others are the notes of this sentence.

11. 用宝珠打扮自己,不如用知识充实自己。

12. It is better to enrich yourself with knowledge than to dress yourself
with jewels.

13. 本性的苏醒,往往在遭遇真实之后。

14. The awakening of nature is often after encountering reality.

15. 唯其尊重自己的人,才更勇于缩小自己。

16. Only those who respect themselves are more brave to narrow

17. 没有糟糕的事情,只有糟糕的心情。

18. There are no bad things, only bad mood.

19. 只有自己足够强大,才会有用的话语权。

20. Only when you are strong enough can you have a useful voice.

21. 要么你主宰生活,要么你被生活主宰。

22. Either you dominate life, or you are dominated by life.

23. 泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。

24. Spring water, the more tortuous the road of struggle, the more pure the

25. 自己选择的路,跪着也要走完。

26. I choose to walk on my knees.

27. 内心如果平静,外在就不会有风波。

28. If you are calm inside, there will be no disturbance outside.

29. 我就是太阳,无需凭借谁的光。

30. I am the sun, no need to rely on whose light.

31. 有钱的人更有钱,这往往是一种必然。

32. It is often inevitable that the rich have more money.

33. 你可以一无所有,但绝不能一无是处。

34. You can have nothing, but never nothing.

35. 你一直在回忆过去,怎么拥抱未来。

36. You've been thinking about the past, how to embrace the future.

37. 不敢生气的是懦夫,不去生气的才是智。

38. It is cowards who dare not be angry, but wisdom who do not.

39. 有本事任性的人,也要有本事坚强。

40. Those who have the ability to be willful should also have the ability to
be strong.

41. 只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。

42. Only when I look back on you, I think about you.

43. 立下目标,努力实现,心动不如行动!

44. Set goals, strive to achieve, heart is better than action!

45. 没有失败过的人恐怕也未曾成功过。

46. I'm afraid those who have never failed have never succeeded.

47. 奋斗是我的性格,成功是我的目标!

48. Struggle is my character, success is my goal!

49. 今日的努力,是为了不再重复过去的痛苦。

50. Today's effort is to stop repeating the pain of the past.

51. 不闻道而死,曷异蜉蝣之朝生暮死乎。

52. If you don't hear the word, you will die in the day.

53. 不妄求,则心安,不妄做,则身安。

54. If you don't ask in vain, you will be at peace with yourself. If you
don't do in vain, you will be at peace with yourself.

55. 流过泪的人,才知道眼泪的温热。

56. Those who shed tears know the warmth of tears.

57. 你若决定灿烂倒影也会美的让人惊叹!

58. If you decide to be brilliant, the reflection will be amazing!

59. 才能的火花,常常在勤奋的磨石上迸发。

60. The sparks of talent often burst out on the grindstone of diligence.

61. 取悦自己比看任何人脸色都来旳安心。

62. Please yourself more than anyone's face.

63. 只有无能的管理,没有无用的人才。

64. Only incompetent management, no useless talent.

65. 不要因为没有掌声而放弃你的梦想。

66. Don't give up your dream without applause.

67. 穷人最缺的就是成为人上人的野心。

68. What the poor lack most is their ambition to be human beings.

69. 人因为梦想而伟大,早日达到自己的目标。

70. People are great because of their dreams and reach their goals as soon as

71. 通往辉煌的路,不应该只有一条。

72. There should be more than one road to glory.

73. 努力不一定会成功,不努力一定会失败。

74. Hard work doesn't necessarily lead to success or failure.

75. 人各有性,冷者自冷,豪者自豪也。

76. Every man has his nature. He who is cold is cold. He who is proud is

77. 前方艰险知多少老子明天会更好。

78. I know how many difficulties ahead I will be better tomorrow.

79. 原谅别人常常比指责别人更有力量。


1. Forgiving is often more powerful than blaming.

2. 做学问要花工夫,持之以恒,日积月累。

3. It takes time and perseverance to learn.

4. 只要努力抬起你的双脚,胜利将属于你。

5. As long as you try to lift your feet, victory will belong to you.

6. 每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。

7. Behind every effort, there will be double rewards.

8. 哪有谁比谁运气好,只是更加拼命罢了。

9. No one is more lucky, just more desperate.

10. 发奋忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至。

11. Work hard and forget to eat. Be happy and forget to worry.

12. 不要丧气要争气,不要心动要行动!

13. Don't be discouraged. Don't be discouraged. Don't move!

14. 水不撩不知,深浅人不拼怎知输赢。

15. I don't know how to win or lose without fighting.

16. 没有人可以打倒我,除非我自己先趴下!

17. No one can beat me unless I get down first!

18. 掉下水里不会死,一直呆在水里才会死。

19. If you fall into the water, you will not die. If you stay in the water,
you will die.

20. 不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。

21. No matter how long the night is, the day will come.

22. 万丈高楼平底起,辉煌还得靠自己。

23. From the bottom of a ten thousand feet tall building, we have to rely on
ourselves for our brilliance.

24. 死,可以明志;生,却可践志。

25. To die, one can realize one's will; to live, one can practice one's

26. 坏的过去,以后你的人生就只剩下好事。

27. Bad past, after your life is only good.

28. 要抒写自己梦想的人,反而更应该清醒。

29. People who want to express their dreams should be more sober.

30. 运气,就是机会碰巧撞到了你的努力。

31. Luck is the chance to bump into your efforts.

32. 天下之事常成于困约,而败于奢靡。

33. Things in the world often fall into poverty and extravagance.

34. 牢记所得到的,忘记所付出的。

35. Remember what you get and forget what you give.

36. 最值得欣赏的风景,是自己奋斗的足迹。

37. The most appreciated scenery is the footprints of my own struggle.

38. 青春如此华美,却在烟火在散场。

39. Youth is so gorgeous, but fireworks are over.

40. 人生因追求而精彩,生命因坚强而美丽。

41. Life is wonderful because of pursuit, and life is beautiful because of

42. 重要的不是要得到什么,是珍重已经拥有的。

43. What matters is not what you get, but what you have.

44. 学习本没有捷径,学的久了,就有了自己的路。

45. There is no shortcut to learning. If you learn for a long time, you will
have your own way.

46. 用欣赏的眼光看学生,以宽容的心态对学生。

47. Look at students with appreciation and treat them with tolerance.

48. 只要有斗志,不怕没战场。

49. As long as there is fighting spirit, not afraid of no battlefield.

50. 那些杀不死你的,终将使你更坚强。

51. Those who can't kill you will make you stronger.

52. 难过时,吃一粒糖,告诉自己生活是甜的!

53. Sad, eat a sugar, tell yourself life is sweet!

54. 总会有比你聪明的人,他们会更快的找到捷径。

55. There will always be people smarter than you, and they will find
shortcuts faster.

56. 空想会想出很多绝妙的主意,但却办不成任何事情。

57. Fantasy can come up with many wonderful ideas, but it can't do

58. 一份耕耘,一份收获。

59. A hard work, a harvest.

60. 人生百味,有苦有泪,强者不跪,我怎敢喊累。

61. Life is full of bitterness and tears. How dare I cry when the strong
don't kneel.

62. 没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。

63. There is no innate confidence, only the constant cultivation of

64. 恐惧自己受苦的人,已经因为自己的恐惧在受苦。

65. Those who fear their suffering have suffered because of their fear.

66. 从哪里跌倒,从哪里爬起。

67. Where to fall, where to climb.

68. 人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

69. What matters in life is not where we stand, but where we are heading.

70. 长得漂亮是你们的优势,活得漂亮是我的本事。

71. It's your advantage to be beautiful. It's my ability to live

72. 人生就像游泳,如果一旦停止了搏击,你就会沉沦下去!

73. Life is like swimming. If you stop fighting, you will sink!

74. 除非你甘心接受失败,否篇绝对不会被击败。

75. Unless you are willing to accept failure, you will never be defeated.

76. 骄傲是胜利下的蛋,孵出来的却是失败。

77. Pride is the egg of victory, but the egg of defeat.

78. 点燃心中的渴望,因为欲望决定你想做的程度。

79. Ignite the desire in your heart, because the desire determines how much
you want to do.

80. 学习不熬没关系,纪录不好就是最大的遗憾。

81. It doesn't matter if you don't study hard. A bad record is the biggest



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