不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要轻言放弃。早安。No matter when you start, its important not to give up after you
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每一次努力,都是幸运的伏笔,每天都是好时光,不容浪费,早安!Every effort is a lucky foreshadowing, every day is a good time, can
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生活,不是在等暴风雨过去,而是在暴风雨中学会跳舞。早安!Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the
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梦想让我与众不同,奋斗让我改变命运!早安!Dream makes me different, struggle makes me change my destiny! good morning!这里
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如果有机会,就把握吧;如果有目标,就奋进吧!早安!If you have a chance, seize it; if you have a goal, make progress! good mo
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