
1. 选定一个季节,比如春季、夏季、秋季、冬季。
2. 描述季节的特点。比如,春季的气温逐渐升高,花草开始盛开;夏季的阳光强烈,气温高,人们喜欢去海滩度假;秋季的气温逐渐降低,树叶变色,人们会去赏秋;冬季的气温很低,有些地方会下雪,人们会穿厚衣服、喝热饮。
3. 描述你对这个季节的喜爱或不喜爱的原因。比如,你可能喜欢春季因为那时候花草开始盛开,气温适宜,适合户(hù)外(wài)活动;或者你可能不喜欢冬季,因为那时候太冷了,容易生病。
4. 举例说明你在这个季节会做些什么。比如,你可能在夏季会去游泳、晒太阳、吃冰淇淋等等。
Spring is my fa vorite season of the year. The weather is getting warmer and warmer, and everything is starting to bloom. I love seeing the flowers and trees coming back to life after a long, cold winter.
One of my fa vorite things to do in the spring is go for walks outside. The fresh air and sunshine feel so good after being cooped up inside all winter. I also enjoy going to the park and ha ving picnics with my friends.
Another thing I love about spring is the holidays. Easter is one of my fa vorite holidays because I get to spend time with my family and eat lots of delicious food. I also love seeing all the c o l o rful Easter eggs and decorations.
Overall, I think spring is the best season. It\’s a time of renewal and new beginnings, and it always puts me in a good mood.